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Mentoring through Arts & Sports Enrichment (M.A.S.E.) strive to provide youth from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to develop confidence, responsibility, teamwork and a greater sense of self and community.


We believe that there are certain factors that are critical for youth success and development. These factors, also known as assets, are positive experiences, opportunities, and personal qualities that all children and adolescents need to be responsible, successful and caring. The more assets young people have in their lives, the less likely they are to engage risky behaviors, the more likely they are to engage in positive behaviors. 


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The goal is to teach leadership and offer guidance to the youth and their families; while helping them establish and develop goals, confidence and build self esteem. M.A.S.E. will provide the youth with skills, training and competition in variety of sport activities, health, wellness and development of artistic expression (theater, dance, poetry, etc...)




The concept is built on increasing the education needs necessary for youth to grow into adults worthy of respect. This concept is also rooted in the fact that a strong body creates a sound mind and a sound mind allows a person to gain inner peace, maintain focus and recognize respectful behavior.

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Empowerment (Middle and High School Youth)

Constructive Use of Time (Middle and High School Youth)

Positive Values (Middle and High School Youth)

Positive Identity (Middle and High School Youth)




FITNESS/WELLNESS Program Interest/Enrollment! If you're interested, please fill out the info below.